Sketch of an evolution. “The resistance against outer forces first collapsed upon creation of the first sound” Year 2008. The track “7 seconds” was created in conjunction with Moonbeam in a moment of clarity, when previous memories were forgotten for a split second and the present was the only conscious thought. This moment was the test for all and the underlying foundation and beginning of the evolution. The compositions are seeking the deeper meaning of existence. This musical quest resulted in tracks like “Storm of Clouds”, “We Are In Words”, “The Lilt”, and others. “Introspection Attempts” and “Doors Opened Inside” were the first attempts to discover her inner self. This discovery was the beginning of her artistic compositions, music made with her own hands.
Year 2011.
The evolution is now in full effect. The solo project Loolacoma
contains elements of trip-hop, experimental, and soul. The album
“Animam” keeps the hidden motives of self-expression in balance with
natural elements: The human being and music.
“A whirlwind of extraterrestrial voices has wrapped the cradle and the body.”
Dimitri: First of all many thanks for accepting my request to do this interview… Let’s start with your background, and go back in time. Can you tell us if any members of your family have any connection with any form of art, including music? Are your parents supportive to your decision to get involved with EDM?
Loolacoma: Thank you for the opportunity to make this interview.
To be honest no, my parents had no special connection with any form of arts. They had kind of “normal” jobs. But my mother once met a fortune-teller when she was pregnant with me. The fortune-teller told her that either her daughter or her granddaughter would be a singer when grown up. Since then she was very supportive and finally gave me a musical education when I was young. I learnt for four years to play Cello!
Is it possible to choose for us the 5 most important and influential
artists including music composers, DJ’s, EDM producers, poets that have
influenced the music that you are producing?
Loolacoma: Well let’s separate this on the influence some artist’s had on Avis Vox and on Loolacoma, because this was of course very different. Regarding “Avis Vox” I was rather impressed by a vocalist more than by the music of bands like: Moby, Royksopp and Trentemoller. Some of them had just part time guest singers for these projects.
For Loolacoma it is more the composition of the music which gave me a strong influence. Here I would choose: Tricky, Massive Attack, James Blake, Lamb and lately CocoRosie.
Dimitri: You write wonderful meaningful lyrics for your personal tracks and for the ones that you are involved in as a featured vocalist. I wonder from what kind of situations or emotions you are influenced to write those lovely and inspiring lyrics?
Loolacoma: Oh thank you. For me lyrics are loaded in a semantic way which shouldn’t exist only for the reason of a proper rhyme. As a rule, lyrics are the expression of emotions outside or inside you. I often pick up “normal” situations during daily life around me, then I start to spin a fictitious story around it which could have happened in the past, or will be in the future. Sometimes it even has the character of a little fairy tail story.
Dimitri: Also what is noteworthy in your music is your fantastic ability to sing in a very emotional and deep way. I wonder if you can tell us the pop, rock, or EDM singers that you believe have shaped the way that you perform your lyrics.
Loolacoma: It starts with Moonbeam and ONLY with Moonbeam, and I have to admit that the leading process during our vocal recording sessions helped me a lot. This is because Pavel for example, was very careful to explain to me clearly what he wanted for his Moonbeam music. With every new song we created, I started to understand more and more about the feeling they wanted. Ultimately with this great help I started to build on my own character.
Dimitri: Can
you reveal to us from your back catalogue, your Top 3 favourite tracks
and if possible, tell us something that is connected with the background
story of each of those tracks.
Loolacoma: Ok these are:
Storm Of Clouds: The idea for the lyrics came to me when I was thinking about the Clouds lifecycle. It contains something very expressive.
Disappearance: The meaning is about the secrets and the beauty the nature provides for us.
Doors Opened Inside: The song is from the perspective of a ghost. The ghost is living in a lonely dark room and is thinking about how it would be to touch and feel like a “normal” human being.
Dimitri: Did you compose the music and the lyrics for your album ‘Animam’ and do you have your own home studio? What equipment and music composition software did you use to produce the album? Is there any particular software or hardware that is your favourite and why?
Loolacoma: I do create the music and the lyrics by myself. Regarding the mastering I had help from Moonbeam, and of course this is great because of their great know how. At home I have my own little studio. On my computer I work mainly with Logic, and some favourite plug ins are: Reaktor, Massive and Zebra. Beside that, I do have a vocal microphone, a few tambourines and some Indian drums.
Are you self-taught as a singer, songwriter and producer? Or have you
attended music education courses? Do you think is important to have a
formal music education background in order to compose EDM or does this
formality kill artists freedom and creativity?
Loolacoma: Well, normally a musical training or education can’t be bad, but also we all learned that there are enough genius people creating music without all that. The most important thing is always that you really want something. If you don’t, even the best musical training won’t help you to create good music.
Personally I had four years of lessons on how to play a Chello. That was when I was a little child, and I complained finally that the Chello was too heavy to carry all the time. My very kind father said in compassion: “ok you don’t have to go to the lessons any more”. Today I regret that decision to be honest.
Dimitri: It would be great to give us some short info about some tracks from your album ‘Animam’. This can be what it means to you, why you wrote it, or any story that you may think that happened while you were producing it.
01. Butterfly
The work name was: We pay before The Future Generations
It’s a little poem about how we live in a kind of “heritage world”. What I mean is; All things we do now or establish, our children will live in… The same way like we do live in the world our fathers, mothers or grandparents, they built it up for us.
02. Dormant
Dormant, which will be my first real Loolacoma single release, is about the world in dreams, and how we can control our dreams. This song is inspired a lot by reading the books and ideas of “Carlos Castanedas”.
03. Cold Violet Skies
This song is about a vision after the “Day of Doom” and a man who survived. He is watching around and the song is about what he is seeing and the moment when he met “God”.
For this fantastic album you produced some amazing trailers, and I
guess music videos too. Do you believe that music videos are important
to visualise the music to your fans? Can you choose your favourite music
video from the tracks that you have released so far?
Loolacoma: Yes I think videos can create something on top of the song itself. It is an additional way to add expression, it talks to another sense of us and that always leads into new feelings. I love to create visual sensations, at least I try!
Of course I love all the videos we did, because of all the effort and heart we put into it. One favourite is “Star Way” because the final result was so close to everything we planed beforehand. The match of the pictures in our heads and the real video is simply perfect. I also love Introspection Attempts. I really like the liveliness of the nature in that video.
“A whirlwind of extraterrestrial voices has wrapped the cradle and the body.”
Dimitri: First of all many thanks for accepting my request to do this interview… Let’s start with your background, and go back in time. Can you tell us if any members of your family have any connection with any form of art, including music? Are your parents supportive to your decision to get involved with EDM?
Loolacoma: Thank you for the opportunity to make this interview.
To be honest no, my parents had no special connection with any form of arts. They had kind of “normal” jobs. But my mother once met a fortune-teller when she was pregnant with me. The fortune-teller told her that either her daughter or her granddaughter would be a singer when grown up. Since then she was very supportive and finally gave me a musical education when I was young. I learnt for four years to play Cello!

Loolacoma: Well let’s separate this on the influence some artist’s had on Avis Vox and on Loolacoma, because this was of course very different. Regarding “Avis Vox” I was rather impressed by a vocalist more than by the music of bands like: Moby, Royksopp and Trentemoller. Some of them had just part time guest singers for these projects.
For Loolacoma it is more the composition of the music which gave me a strong influence. Here I would choose: Tricky, Massive Attack, James Blake, Lamb and lately CocoRosie.
Dimitri: You write wonderful meaningful lyrics for your personal tracks and for the ones that you are involved in as a featured vocalist. I wonder from what kind of situations or emotions you are influenced to write those lovely and inspiring lyrics?
Loolacoma: Oh thank you. For me lyrics are loaded in a semantic way which shouldn’t exist only for the reason of a proper rhyme. As a rule, lyrics are the expression of emotions outside or inside you. I often pick up “normal” situations during daily life around me, then I start to spin a fictitious story around it which could have happened in the past, or will be in the future. Sometimes it even has the character of a little fairy tail story.
Dimitri: Also what is noteworthy in your music is your fantastic ability to sing in a very emotional and deep way. I wonder if you can tell us the pop, rock, or EDM singers that you believe have shaped the way that you perform your lyrics.
Loolacoma: It starts with Moonbeam and ONLY with Moonbeam, and I have to admit that the leading process during our vocal recording sessions helped me a lot. This is because Pavel for example, was very careful to explain to me clearly what he wanted for his Moonbeam music. With every new song we created, I started to understand more and more about the feeling they wanted. Ultimately with this great help I started to build on my own character.

Loolacoma: Ok these are:
Storm Of Clouds: The idea for the lyrics came to me when I was thinking about the Clouds lifecycle. It contains something very expressive.
Disappearance: The meaning is about the secrets and the beauty the nature provides for us.
Doors Opened Inside: The song is from the perspective of a ghost. The ghost is living in a lonely dark room and is thinking about how it would be to touch and feel like a “normal” human being.
Dimitri: Did you compose the music and the lyrics for your album ‘Animam’ and do you have your own home studio? What equipment and music composition software did you use to produce the album? Is there any particular software or hardware that is your favourite and why?
Loolacoma: I do create the music and the lyrics by myself. Regarding the mastering I had help from Moonbeam, and of course this is great because of their great know how. At home I have my own little studio. On my computer I work mainly with Logic, and some favourite plug ins are: Reaktor, Massive and Zebra. Beside that, I do have a vocal microphone, a few tambourines and some Indian drums.

Loolacoma: Well, normally a musical training or education can’t be bad, but also we all learned that there are enough genius people creating music without all that. The most important thing is always that you really want something. If you don’t, even the best musical training won’t help you to create good music.
Personally I had four years of lessons on how to play a Chello. That was when I was a little child, and I complained finally that the Chello was too heavy to carry all the time. My very kind father said in compassion: “ok you don’t have to go to the lessons any more”. Today I regret that decision to be honest.
Dimitri: It would be great to give us some short info about some tracks from your album ‘Animam’. This can be what it means to you, why you wrote it, or any story that you may think that happened while you were producing it.
01. Butterfly
The work name was: We pay before The Future Generations
It’s a little poem about how we live in a kind of “heritage world”. What I mean is; All things we do now or establish, our children will live in… The same way like we do live in the world our fathers, mothers or grandparents, they built it up for us.
02. Dormant
Dormant, which will be my first real Loolacoma single release, is about the world in dreams, and how we can control our dreams. This song is inspired a lot by reading the books and ideas of “Carlos Castanedas”.
03. Cold Violet Skies
This song is about a vision after the “Day of Doom” and a man who survived. He is watching around and the song is about what he is seeing and the moment when he met “God”.

Loolacoma: Yes I think videos can create something on top of the song itself. It is an additional way to add expression, it talks to another sense of us and that always leads into new feelings. I love to create visual sensations, at least I try!
Of course I love all the videos we did, because of all the effort and heart we put into it. One favourite is “Star Way” because the final result was so close to everything we planed beforehand. The match of the pictures in our heads and the real video is simply perfect. I also love Introspection Attempts. I really like the liveliness of the nature in that video.
Dimitri: Let’s
finish off this fantastic interview with some words about the Loolacoma
project. When and why did you decide to set up this project, and what
does this particular name mean?
Loolacoma: Loolacoma is a kind of combination of two words. Loola stands for «Lullaby» and «Coma» of course for the very special state of consciousness.
The project is totally a project of my self-expression and my goal is to give people some substantial input they can think about. That might sound all very ambitious, but we all know that most pop music talks about trivial things, so I want to spend some slight little counterbalance to that. (smile)
Many thanks to Loolacoma for her wonderful answers that contain food for thought for sure
Many thanks to Moonbeam for offering us in their label great music from artists like Loolacoma.
Many thanks to Frank for his awesome support to organize this interview
Loolacoma: Loolacoma is a kind of combination of two words. Loola stands for «Lullaby» and «Coma» of course for the very special state of consciousness.
The project is totally a project of my self-expression and my goal is to give people some substantial input they can think about. That might sound all very ambitious, but we all know that most pop music talks about trivial things, so I want to spend some slight little counterbalance to that. (smile)
Many thanks to Loolacoma for her wonderful answers that contain food for thought for sure
Many thanks to Moonbeam for offering us in their label great music from artists like Loolacoma.
Many thanks to Frank for his awesome support to organize this interview
Interview is written and conducted by Dimitri Kechagias Radio/Club DJ/Music Journalist
Tracklist for Loolacoma-Anima out on Moonbeam Digital 01. Butterfly 03:57
02. Cooga 03:48
03. Dormant 04:16
04. Cold Violet Skies 03:31
05. Wrong Side Out 03:52
06. Lullaby 04:33
07. Honest and Lonely 03:06
08. Koppa (with Leisure Hours) 04:22
09. Ooze Away 03:21
10. Clockwise Sence 03:56
11. Illuminant 04:27
12. Still Streams 03:41
Additional info:
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