On his Trance Nation compilation, Lange said: “It's an honour to have been invited to mix this album. For over a decade the Ministry of Sound Trance Nation series has become legendary, a snapshot of our ever-evolving scene, and I follow in the footsteps of some of it's most respected artists”
The first mix embarks in Med-trance waters, with the vocal gleam & shimmer of Yahel & Liya’s ‘I Dive’, Passenger 75’s halcyon ‘Contact’ and Kyau & Albert with Stoneface & Terminal’s ‘We Own The Night’ – all wowing the opening minutes. Conscripting filmic strings, vibrant drums and dreamscape harmonics, they form the gateway to an on-rush of big game/big name studio-ware. Mapping the trance atlas, the tech-ish recoil of Arty’s ‘Believe In Me’, Rank 1’s electro-grinding ‘Floorlifter’ and the hyper-uplift of ‘The Way You Want’ from flying Fins Super 8 & Tab presage lyrical captivation from Betsie Larkin (on Bobina’s ‘No Substitute For You’ and Andy Moor’s ‘Love Again’). As Lange’s skilled hand master-crafts the tone, the pulse rate spikes again as ‘Alchemist’ from Tomas Heredia, Rikkaz’s ‘The Great Migration’ and the sublimely mashed together ‘ResuRection’ and ‘Absolute’ (merging the classic Planet Perfecto Knights track with Craig Connelly’s latest production) shape its climactic minutes.
Naturally, Lange’s Trance Nation comes fully loaded with a wealth of his own exclusive, purpose built production and remix material. In and amongst the trance highways and progressive byways of the mixes are his 2013 rebuild of ‘Follow Me’, as well as club-smash ‘Destination Anywhere’ and the primed-to-be-huge ‘Unfamiliar Truth’. Dutchman Estiva puts a whole new spin on last year’s massive Beatport top 10 hit, the Stine Grove sung ‘Crossroads’, whilst tracks from his Lange Recordings imprint including the likes or Rikkaz and Tangle & Mateusz, keep the floor-strikes coming.
The tech-ier side of trance marks Mix 2’s launch point, as ‘The Man Who’ll Save The Earth’ (from Russian Alexx Rave), Ilan Bluestone & Jerome Isma-Ae’s infective ‘Under My Skin’ and Mark Eteson’s ‘Aventus’ blaze the trail. The stuttered stabs, concertina riffs and pianoforte lines of Argentinian duo Heatbeat’s heady ‘#Boom’, Ferry Corsten no-nonsense ‘F The Bull$h1t’ and LNG downright ballistic ‘Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass’ spy the stratosphere. Rex Mundi’s ‘Seek & Destroy’ intermixes a more minimalistic prog-trance intermezzo to the flow, before Lange squeezes the Trance Nation throttle one last time. Hitting the final straight, Orjan Nilsen’s heat-seeking ‘Violetta’ and crowd favourite ‘Hold That Sucker Down’ see Mix 2 break the upper atmosphere.
A new collection cornerstone for any self-respecting trance literati, Ministry of Sound’s Trance Nation Mixed by Lange puts you on summer 2013’s expressway. It’s released July 29th.
Lange Abridged Biog: Recognized as oneof the most influential Trance artists of the past decade, Lange has remained at the forefront of the dance scene throughout his career, enjoying an 8 unbroken years as a mainstay of DJ Mag’s influential Top 100 poll in the process.
With 20 UK top 40s under his belt including ‘Drifting Away', which resulted in performances on BBC One’s ‘Top of The Pops’ and ‘Pepsi Chart Show,’ 'Happiness Happening', 'You Take My Breath Away', and a string of club anthems such as ‘Follow Me,’ 'I Believe', 'Out Of The Sky', 'Angel Falls', 'Live Forever', and last year's MTV-playlisted 'Our Way Home', Lange has been responsible for some of the defining moments of the evolution of Trance. Famously known for his electrifying remixes of mainstream artists such as The Pet Shop Boys and Faithless, through to iconic trance legends, Above & Beyond, Ferry Corsten, Dash Berlin, Gareth Emery, he is as renowned as much for his production skills as for his eclectic, stimulating and electrifying live performances.
Trance Nation: Lange - Tracklist – (Album exclusives highlighted)
CD 1
1 Yahel & Liya - I Dive
2 Passenger 75 - Contact
3 Kyau & Albert With Stoneface & Terminal - We Own The Night
4 Lange - Our Brief Time In The Sun
5 Cosmic Gate Feat. Myon & Shane 54 And Aruna - All Around You (Alexander Popov Remix)
6 Super8 & Tab - The Way You Want
7 Rank 1 - Floorlifter
8 Arty - Believe In Me (Instrumental Mix)
9 Lange Feat. Stine Grove - Crossroads (Estiva Remix)
10 Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Andrew Rayel Remix)
11 Lange Feat. Hysteria! - Unfamilar Truth
12 Bobina & Betsie Larkin - No Substitute For You (Andy Duguid Remix)
13 Tomas Heredia - Alchemist
14 Lange - Destination Anywhere
15 Rikkaz - The Great Migration
16 Planet Perfecto Knights Vs Craig Connelly - Absolute ResuRection (Lange Mashup)
17 Lange Feat. The Morrighan - Follow Me (2013 Rework)
CD 2
1 Alexx Rave - Man Who'll Save The Earth
2 Tangle & Matuesz - Omega
3 Lele Troniq Feat. Simona Barbieri - Sirio
4 ilan Bluestone & Jerome Isma-Ae - Under My Skin
5 Mark Eteson - Aventus
6 Stephen Kirkwood - Mars One
7 Alex Larichev Feat. Invi Tado - Leave Me Behind
8 Heatbeat - #BOOM
9 Ferry Corsten - F The Bull$h1t
10 Cosmic Gate - Storm Chaser (Extended Mix)
11 Rex Mundi - Seek & Destroy
12 Lange Presents LNG - Harmony Will Kick You In The Ass (Chris Schweizer Remix)
13 Daniel Kandi & Jack Rowan - Arigatou
14 Shogun Vs Ana Criado & Ronski Speed - Supernova Afterglow (Saf Mashup - Lange Edit)
15 Orjan Nilsen - Violetta
16 Stuart Mclellan - Downtime
17 Lange - Hold That Sucker Down
(Forthcoming Through Ministry of Sound, July 29th 2013)
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