Location: Hamburg
Dimitri: Can you tell us how 2012 has been
for the development of your career as a DJ and/or Producer?
Thomas & Chris: Hey Dimitri. First, it’s time to say thank you
personally for supporting us and our releases in 2012. We enjoyed every review
you wrote and it always feels good to get feedback like yours. That confirms
that we are on the right track and it keeps us driving, of course. ;-)
To be honest – 2012 was a big year again
for us. All of our singles made it to the top of the so well known Beatport
charts and apart from this, they were supported all over the globe by so many
well known DJs and artists! We played our UK debut in Leeds, we had our release
debut on Will Holland’s ENHANCED Records with “OREGANO” and had great &
very enjoyable times in the studio with preparing all the stuff for you out
there, and just hanging around with friends and DJ’s while spinning some
records, or checking the newest fail compilations on Youtube! ;-) Ouch!
An outstanding moment for us was also the 200th
episode of our weekly podcast. We had lots of congratulations from many big
names in the show, like Armin, Thrillseekers, Tritonal, Bobina, Lange and Estiva,
just to name a few. Shivering! Prepare yourself for the next 200!
It’s clear as mud, it will be hard to beat
2012, but we definitely accept the challenge!
Dimitri: If you look back at 2012, are
there any moments in your musical career that you wish you had done differently
in order to get a better outcome?
Thomas: I probably would have released the
first single “Listen To Life Remixes” earlier. We had a long period where we
did not release a remix or a single. Chris, do you agree?
Chris: Yes I do, mate! It’s a such a fast
moving industry and it feels like that you have a comeback when you just missed
the release of a single or remix for 2 months. Those gaps need to be filled to
stay in the heads of the crowd, definitely!
of 2012 according to Store N Forward
Best Track: Adam Szabo and Willem De Roo –
It’s a wonderful “new Trancer” that is in a
certain way returning to mind how the days were when your little brother played
LEGO and you pressed the red buttons of the ATARI 500 controller, while finding
the right position for avoiding cramp in your arms, hands & fingers! Great
times, stunning song! Have never heard it yet? Definitely time to check it!
Best Artist: Steven
Baan AKA Estiva! This man was on fire and he still is! Still happy to have his
guest support in our WORKOUT radio show! Well, and of course it wasn’t only
Steven who did an amazing job in 2012. Also our Russian friends and super duo
Eximinds, Dennis Sheperd, Karanda and Wellenrausch definitely made big steps
forward this past year!!! You should have an eye on each of them!
Best New Talent: Porter
Robinson and Johan Malmgren. Just because!
Best artwork/cover of an album or
compilation: Still love the ability to have a great designer at Afterglow
Records who always creates fantastic covers and artwork for every single
release. He is the best!
Best Vocalist/Singer featured on an EDM
track: We think Neev Kennedy can view 2012 as her breakthrough. Almost every
known artist has worked with her and every song became pure energy when Neev
started to sing. We hope she keeps up that outstanding work in 2013, and of
course we hope someday she will work with us?! ?
Best EDM Label: Enhanced, and of course the
best underground trance label hint is Afterglow Recordings!
Best Online Social media network: Nothing
competes with Facebook.
Best music composition software: We are
using Cubase since we started producing music. It’s always a great tip to take
a look into the “Vengeance” and “Waves” portfolio with all their helpful
plugins and fantastic synthesizers.
Best personal DJ Gig: Every gig is a
pleasure for us and we enjoy each of them so much that it’s not right to say
that one experience beat the other; but if you ask for a special moment then we
take our UK debut. It felt great to be with so many DJ’s, friends & fans
from the UK who we had only known from the social media before!
Best Radio show: We do not listen to too
many other radio shows, but Armin’s ASOT and A&B’s TATW/ABGT are the most
recognised and respected weekly Trance/EDM shows with an overwhelming
popularity. They are spreading the “underground” all over the globe, and it’s
so important to have shows with incomparable recognition like this!
Best Online Record shop for purchasing
music: Definitely www.beatport.com!
Offering the earliest and most exclusive releases with the biggest genre
& track selection for EDM fans and more!
Best Website that you regularly visit: No
day without Google ‘n Facebook! Recently thought about changing our name to it..
Well, let’s see what we can do in terms of the right to the name…but shouldn’t
be a big deal... :-D
Best smart phone/mobile phone App or
device: Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill iPhone App. (These guys are a cult in
Germany, not sure if anywhere else!?)
They have wisdoms for any circumstance;-) And the App SCORE! where you can
replay famous soccer goals. Just great!
Best DJ equipment: We love to spin with
Pioneer equipment – over the last decade Pioneer rightly developed to marked
leader for DJ mixers and CD players. Well constructed, direct &
professional surface feel, clubby effects and in the meanwhile supporting USB
& DVD as well…
Best or most amusing Twitter or Facebook
message you have received from a fan or friend or you have read: Chuck Norris
Did?: Chuck Norris makes onions cry.
Best piece of News this year relating to
Electronic Dance Music: The world doesn’t end on Dec. 21st ! Phew… that was
Best piece of advice you received in
relation to your career: Cobbler, stick to your last! So we did and will do
what we can do best – Trance!
Any single event which inspired you to
compose a track:
Thomas: Well, it’s not a single event; it’s more a regular recurrent thing when I watch a great movie with great score. This combination is always inspiring.
Thomas: Well, it’s not a single event; it’s more a regular recurrent thing when I watch a great movie with great score. This combination is always inspiring.
Chris: No single event as well. There were
a couple of moments when I was really tired after a long day and close to falling
asleep and then a melody flashed through my mind. Oh, boy! What should I do.
Sing it in my dreams until I sleep or keep it somewhere to working on it
someday? Exhausted, but knowing this melody would get lost if I don’t hold it
somewhere, I get up again (left eye still closed) and jingled it on my guitar
while yodelling some “lalalas” over it right into my phone … Next day it wasn’t
surprising that I realised that it would have been better to sleep.. :-D
Dimitri: 2013 lies ahead of us. Would you
like to tell us your future plans in relation to releases, tracks, albums,
collaborations or DJ gigs?

Next to come: Our new single “Bananas”
which fits perfectly into your kitchen! And another single with the beautiful
voice of Hannah Ray is in the final mixing & mastering phase. Can’t wait to
let you guys listen!
To keep updated head over to
Dimitri: Thanks very much for finding the
time to respond to this interview
Thomas & Chris: Our pleasure mate!
Sorry for being late! Keep it Trancy and speak to you soon!
Interview was written and conducted by
Dimitri Kechagias, Radio/DJ/Music Journalist
Many thanks to Elef at Afterglow records
for organizing this great interview
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